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Election and Voting
Democracy favors those who participate.”
– Lily Qi
2022 General Election Day: November 8
Early Voting is from Thursday, October 27 to Thursday, November 3. Polls open from 7 am to 8 pm, as same as on the Election Day.
In 2020, I worked with the Maryland State Board of Elections to add multilingual voter registration forms for residents with limited English proficiency. You can now download the Voter Registration Application form with instructions in any of the following languages:
- in English (PDF)
- en español (PDF), con instrucciones
- en français (PDF)
- 繁體中文 (PDF)
- 简体中文 (PDF)
- 한국어 (PDF)
Don’t miss the all-important primary elections
In Maryland, only people who have registered with political parties can vote for candidates for political offices in the primary elections—called “closed primaries.” See my article from 2014, Make Your Vote Count: Register for a Political Party.
If you are an independent voter, I strongly encourage you to register for a political party. Otherwise, you can only vote for the non-partisan school board members in the Primary Elections. In Montgomery County, the Democratic Primary Elections has oversized impact on the final outcome of the General Elections. So, don’t wait until November! You can use this link to change your political party affiliation.
All U.S. citizens and Maryland residents 18 years or older who are registered may vote in our State. Additionally, if you are an overseas American citizen, military personnel, or dependent of military personnel, you may register to vote in Maryland if your current or last U.S. address was in Maryland.
You can use the Online Voter Registration, or print out the application, and return it with an original signature to your local board of elections. Click here to find out the deadline and eligibility.
You can find your voting place (also called polling place) at the Maryland State Board of Elections website.
Montgomery County has 11 early voting sites that makes it much easier to vote. Click to find the one near you. Use this link to learn everything about Early Voting.
Anyone can choose to vote by mail in Maryland. You don’t need excuses to request an absentee ballot or a mail-in ballot. That means you can vote at your convenience and skip the lines at the polls! For your peace of mind, I highly recommend you request you vote by mail. Apply to vote by mail here or go to
Vote by mail! Maryland has no-excuse absentee voting, also called vote by mail. That means you don’t need to miss any elections. Apply for an absentee ballot here.
The General Assembly of Maryland, as the legislative body directly representing the electorate, passes public general and public local laws, raises revenues and appropriates funds to pay for State government services, and oversees the operation of State executive agencies. In much of this activity, the legislator plays a major role in helping to develop the public policy of the State. For more info, please see
For more questions, go to Montgomery County’s Board of Elections’ website